Daniel Norman Daniel Norman

Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio

Scorpio is a wetland in the dead of night.

A sign is a kind of biome, an inner landscape. As the planets traverse the solar system these landscapes compel the planets’ expression in our lives.

When it is time to talk about Scorpio astrologers take pains to find nice ways to talk about difficult things. We say that Scorpio is a sign of “transformation,” lest we scare you away with talk of death. There is no loss but “endings.” Fear is turned to “courage,” obsession to “passion,” foul odors to (ahem) “plumbing.”

It is not that these euphemisms are necessarily untrue but they miss a key point: Scorpio holds space for the victim and perpetrator alike and, above all, does not flinch.

Scorpio is a wetland in the dead of night. Where its apex predators are patient and ruthless. Where fresh water is purified as it slows enough to allow toxins to settle on the floor below. Where the flora are fertilized by bodies, drowned and decaying. Where other landscapes dump their flood waters and the wetlands expand by slow and steady subsumption. Scorpio silently persists.

At the New Moon we talked about eclipses as a disruption in the normal flow of events that tend to highlight polarities across a sign axis. Today’s Full Moon eclipse in Scorpio is the sixth of seven eclipses on the Scorpio/Taurus axis and the last in Scorpio until 2031.

Since November 2021 the Head of the Dragon in Taurus has awakened a fierce hunger demanding material security and beloved community while the Tail of the Dragon reminds us that security and community are not destinations but processes as he lances and drains another festering wound.
On this day the Moon is a lone traveller in a dark swamp. Her boots are soaked through, her face is cut and swollen, bitten by horse-flies. She could swear she’s been walking in circles for hours, days, months. Her flashlight flickers. Hungry eyes flash too, surrounding.

Her light goes out. If she wants to get home she must face the dark.

{Horoscopes Below. Read for Sun, Moon, Rising or whatever you like.}


There is a fire burning inside, auditioning possibilities for the life you aspire to. This eclipse is an opportunity to clarify your desire. When you ruthlessly discard every impurity and extraneous detail the dream is so clear it becomes an inevitability and maps are no longer necessary.


The thing about taking a lead role is that you are simultaneously on the inside and outside looking in. In the past you may not have had the support you’ve needed at home to rest, recharge, process and plan. A heavy crown is the King’s cross to bear. The support you need comes when you are brutally honest about what you are trying to accomplish and what you need to do to get there.


When our ideals clash with reality, we go about trying to mold reality in the shape of our ideals. But our ideals are not a destination so much as a state of being. Which is to say, it’s not where you’re going, it’s how you are going to feel when you get there. The trick is to figure out what your body needs to feel safe, comfortable, clear and energetic. When you are able to care for yourself, ideal and real become a virtuous cycle.


Self-reliance is a liability. It is difficult to get our needs met when we are jealously guarding our territory. Your strength lies on your capacity for intimacy, which is inherently collaborative. There is no intimacy without vulnerability. Put your cards on the table.


What’s done is done. For better or worse, you see yourself more clearly. With skins freshly shed you are wet and raw, a living antenna. Your capacity is increased, but you still have to prove it to yourself. The only way forward is to answer the call without fear. You do no one any favors when you shrink from a challenge or pull your punches.


Keeping yourself busy is no cure for loneliness. You’ve been trying in vain to shore up the walls to stave off the flood. But over the walls the water comes to carry you somewhere new. It’s no use trying to recreate the past. Find the others and don’t settle until you do.


You can feel where the things you are building now are headed, even if it isn’t clear how to make them concrete enough to provide you with any material support. And while it would be easier if the people closest to you would just “get it” but they don’t. The way forward is to make room for their hopes, dreams, fears, insecurities and build them in. They can trust you to do whatever it is you’re doing if they know you’re doing it for them, too.


There is so much to do and so little time. If your work is to take center stage you cannot neglect your home and your health. Take the time to revise your approach so that you can communicate powerfully and consistently without burning out.


Escape is not an option. There is nowhere you need to go and no one else you need to be. After the dark night of the soul that you have been through you shine more brightly than ever. You will find support where you can offer it to others. Collaborate with your community and the new world you seek will be right under your fingertips.


You’ve got no problem taking the reins but the last time you tried to kick things off it may have stalled unexpectedly. You can’t be all things to all people and that might mean that people whose support you expected are nowhere to be found. When you clarify your intention the people who need to hear your message will respond. 


When every table imaginable has been flipped it is hard to trust the ground under your feet. And honestly, the ground isn’t done shifting just yet. Allow yourself to be held by the people closest to you. Allow yourself to have fun, to create without worrying for now about where it all leads. The world will be there when you’re ready.


Burning the candle at both ends usually works because you’re candle is pretty long, but lately you're too exhausted to clean the wax off of you hands. Relief is coming but you have to make room for it. That means trusting the people closest to you to have your back.

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